If the child stops pooping on his own, you can give him an enema as first aid, and then proceed to eliminate this problem. Adjust the diet and drinking regime by adding fermented milk products to it. Of great importance in the treatment of constipation is the motor activity of the baby.

Step 1
Colon dysfunction or constipation is a fairly common disease in childhood. It affects both infants and children attending kindergarten or school. Often, the child does not notice painful and unpleasant sensations in the abdomen. As a result, parents find out about this disease quite late, when constipation becomes chronic, and it is not possible to cope with the problem on their own. What if the child stops pooping by himself?
Step 2
If the act of defecation in a child is accompanied by pain, and the stool has a dense consistency or looks like a "sheep", urgent measures must be taken. As a first aid for a baby over a year old, you can make a cleansing enema with warm boiled water, adding a little glycerin to it. In no case should you stick soap, cotton swabs or a thermometer into the anus. This can injure the rectum and suppress the natural reflex to defecate. Do not punish your baby or use derogatory words about him.
Step 3
After each meal, put your child on the potty or make sure he sits on the toilet. Adjust your baby's nutrition. His diet should contain vegetables, fruits and cereals. Eliminate whole cow's milk, rice, bananas, and unpeeled apples from the menu. Fermented milk products - kefir and yogurt - should take a worthy place in a child's diet. Make sure your baby drinks more often, especially on an empty stomach. It's good if his day starts with 0.5 glasses of water before breakfast, and at lunch he must eat the first course. Better if it is soup.
Step 4
If constipation occurs in an infant, then his mother needs to reconsider his diet. It is especially important to analyze the nature of the drinking regime. If you are breastfeeding, cut out gas-generating foods such as cabbage, legumes, mushrooms, tomatoes, and bread from your diet. Refuse food that reduces intestinal motility - strong tea, blueberries, cocoa, turnips, radishes, onions, garlic, rice and semolina, jelly.
Step 5
It is important for bottle-fed babies to choose a high-quality mixture with lactulose, carob gluten, oligosaccharides and prebiotics. Children with such problems should be given Evita, Narine or Vitaflor starter cultures. This also applies to babies who are breastfed. If the child has no appetite, there is bloating, and there is blood in the stool, you should consult a doctor. The same applies to cases when you notice he has a calorification.
Step 6
The doctor may decide to prescribe laxatives to the child - "Duphalac", "Raglan", "Cerucal", "Domperidone", etc. In the complex treatment of constipation, great importance is attached to the normalization of the intestinal microflora. A specialist may recommend that you resort to herbal medicine. For example, anise infusion, a decoction of plantain seeds, horse sorrel root, caraway seeds, burdock seeds, etc. have a good effect. It is also very important to increase the child's physical activity. If we are talking about an infant, then do exercises with him and massage his belly more often.