How do you know at what age you can start doing math? To begin with, you need to decide what mathematics is. It is not at all limited to the number series, which every child can "rattle off" already in the nursery group. Mathematics is the science of spatial forms and quantitative relationships. And, therefore, you can do mathematics long before the child has an idea of numbers and numbers.

Step 1
With the youngest children, who are still in the stage of accumulating passive words, it is possible to study shape and size. For example, a circle, a square, a triangle. Nowadays, enough teaching materials, in the form of games and books, are sold in bookstores and toy stores for this. But even without purchasing any special aids, you can work with your baby. Just ask your child to bring a cube or ball. In pictures or just surrounding objects, you can explain to the child “the sun is round, the wheels of the car are round, the tree is triangular, the sandbox is square”.
Also children can be taught to measure the size. Of course, they will determine this size not in centimeters, but by comparing "large - small", "larger - smaller", "short - long", "poking" at the compared objects with their little finger.
Of course, all activities at this age are conducted in the form of games that are available to children. For example, picking up a familiar pyramid or nesting doll is a math lesson. In order for the child to assemble this toy, of all the rings, it is necessary to choose the largest one, and then choose the largest of the remaining ones.
Step 2
When the child grows up a little, at the moment of increasing the active vocabulary, the quantitative concepts "one - several" can be introduced. Toys or pictures can help you with this. Pay the child's attention to the surrounding objects: "there is one moon in the sky, but there are many stars."
There are also wonderful helpers like books. For example, in the publication "The Adventures of the Green Cap" by G. Sapgir, the simplest mathematical concepts are explained in a very accessible, unobtrusive form. Even an ordinary tale "The Turnip" can help you when you explain that one grandfather could not pull the turnip, and several characters did it.
Continue mastering geometric shapes. Gradually introduce new, more complex shapes in the classroom.
Study and constantly repeat with the baby the location of objects in space. Bottom - top, left, right, between, middle, front, etc.
Step 3
Take the next step into math in your middle preschool age. Now the moment comes at last to get to know the numbers.
Remember that the study of them should occur after the child has formed an idea of the relationship between number and quantity. To do this, ask your child to put, for example, a cube on the table. Then ask your child to say how many cubes are on the table. Now explain that the number of items is indicated by a special sign, a number. Next, show the child number one and offer to paint it or sculpt it out of plasticine. Also introduce the baby to the rest of the numbers.
During this period, your little mathematician can already cope with the independent creation of geometric shapes. Help the child draw, cut, fold out of sticks with flat shapes, and help the child to mold them from plasticine, assemble from the constructor.
Also ask your kid simple logical tasks. For example, ask to color a chain with a given color rhythm. Or choose the one you need from the figures according to several criteria. For example, a large green oval.
Step 4
In older preschool age, a very stressful period begins - preparation for entering the first grade. During this time, it is necessary to find out and eliminate all development gaps.
Work the number series up to 20. The child must count in forward and backward order, call the next or previous number from the given one.
Check if the baby clearly separates ordinal and cardinal numbers. Explain the difference if necessary.
Solve logic problems with your child. For example, how to make two identical triangles out of a square using one stick. Choose tasks not only for logic, but also for attention. For example, how many apples are hanging on a birch with two branches, if there are three apples on each branch.
Of course, at all stages of development, you can deal with the child in special groups or leave everything on the conscience of the kindergarten teachers. But this cannot completely replace home games and activities, especially valuable because they come from the closest and dearest people.