Mathematics is a rather difficult academic subject, but it promotes the development of speech, memory, imagination, creativity, instills perseverance and patience. Therefore, it is so important to develop a child's interest in this discipline. Playing with your child in games that develop logic, you can significantly develop mathematical abilities and prepare the child for school.

Step 1
Develop fine motor skills in your child. Plasticine sculpting, mosaics, insert frames, constructors - all this contributes to the development of fine motor skills, imagination, abstract thinking and logic. This means that it prepares the baby for the perception of mathematical categories.
Step 2
Work with your child in a playful way and using bright colorful didactic material. Moreover, you can do it yourself. For example: cut out a colored set of geometric shapes - several circles and squares of different colors and sizes. Lay out different compositions (by size, shape, color). The child must determine and explain his choice, which of the figures in each set is superfluous.
Step 3
You can give another task using the same materials: divide the figures into two groups, explain your choice. Use your favorite emoji to play with. For example, 6 smiling emoticons and one sad. Let him find a smiley that is unlike the others.
Step 4
A little later, turn your computer into your assistant. Use educational electronic games. For example, "Hidden Numbers" ( This game will teach your child to recognize numbers, perform simple mathematical actions. The rules of the game are simple: find the hidden numbers in the pictures and distribute them to the appropriate cells. On the same site you will find other mathematical games that develop logical thinking. The "Cheerful little train", for example, will teach you how to count, since you need to load a certain amount of cargo onto the train. Such tasks develop attention, teach to count, think, compare.
Step 5
Draw a triangle on a piece of paper and ask the child to complete the drawing using geometric shapes (circles, squares, triangles) an animal, such as a cat. This exercise develops the imagination, including the spatial one.
Step 6
Use everyday moments and time for walks for practice. Compare objects, count, look for geometric shapes in architecture, signs, nature, etc. The main thing is that the game should be a form of activity.