The purpose of the program for the senior group of kindergarten is to provide and expand the basic knowledge that they will need in elementary school. Children should know the count to 10, distinguish between objects, sounds and movements.

Step 1
Take time to review the material you have covered. This can be done in installments at the beginning of each session, or set aside two hours at the beginning of the month. You must identify the laggards, pay special attention to them.
Step 2
Make sure that the activities of the children change from time to time. Otherwise, you will lose their attention. Intersperse different types of exercises, songs, riddles, games and dances.
Step 3
Include breaks in the classroom during which children should be given a little physical activity. Teach them to do exercises for the eyes, arms, legs and neck. Then your charges will not feel tired.
Step 4
Try to present new, challenging material in the form of a game. Children have well-developed imaginative thinking and visual memory. In addition, games often have a competitive element that spurs them on to better assimilation of knowledge.
Step 5
Teach children to compare objects. Additionally, they must be able to group objects based on one or more common characteristics, such as color, size, and purpose.
Step 6
Read fairy tales to children. Teach them that the book is a source of interesting information, new knowledge. This is how you begin to instill in them a love of reading. To quickly learn the continuation of the tale, the child will strive to learn how to read on his own.
Step 7
Pay great attention to discipline during class. Prepare children for the fact that at school you need to sit quietly during the lesson, answer only by raising your hand, not interrupt classmates and not walk around the classroom.
Step 8
Teach children to count and name ordinal numbers. In addition, include in the program exercises for the composition and selection of equal sets.
Step 9
Show the children how a whole can be divided into parts. Split the object into several parts, and then connect the lobes, again getting the original object.