One of the most frequently used anthelmintic drugs in the treatment of children is Pirantel. This agent suppresses vital activity and promotes the elimination of most types of worms from the body. In no case should you give your child Pirantel for prophylactic purposes. Its appointment must necessarily be preceded by a study for the presence in the body of certain types of worms.

Getting into the child's body, "Pirantel" literally paralyzes the helminths present in it and promotes their early excretion with feces.
The drug has a detrimental effect only on adult parasites and those worms that have not yet reached puberty. The larvae of helminths, which are in the stage of migration, are not sensitive to the active substances of Pirantel.
The drug is approved for use for the treatment of children who have reached the age of six months and older. The reason for starting taking "Pirantel" is the appointment of a doctor who carefully examined the child and made sure of the presence of helminths in his body. The drug has a wide spectrum of action and is used to treat diseases such as enterobiasis - infection with pinworms, ascariasis - the presence of roundworms in the body, non-katorosis - parasitism in the intestines of a necatorial worm, hookworm infection - infection with roundworms - hookworms.
The determination of the dosage of the drug "Pirantel" is influenced by the child's age, body weight, type and severity of the disease. You can give medicine to your baby at any time of the day, regardless of food intake. The drug is available in the form of a suspension and tablets.
For the treatment of enterobiasis or ascariasis in a child, the dosage of the drug is determined at the rate of 10-12 mg of the drug per 1 kg of the patient's body weight. For example, if a baby weighs 10 kg, the optimal amount of medicine for him is 125 mg.
The dosage for a baby aged 6 to 24 months, as a rule, is 1/2 measuring spoon attached to Pirantel. Children from 2 to 6 years old are given a whole scoop of the medicine. A child infected with worms at the age of 6 to 12 years can be given 1-2 scoops of suspension or 1-2 tablets of Pirantel, depending on the patient's complexion. The dosage for children over 12 years of age is 3 tablets or 3 scoops of suspension.
When infected with pinworms or roundworms, the drug should be taken once.
Ankylostomiasis is treated according to the same scheme, using the same dosages, only its duration should be 3 days.
Treatment of necatorosis in children with the drug "Pirantel" lasts 2 days, and the dosage is determined at the rate of 20 mg of the drug per 10 kg of body weight of the child infected with helminths.
A child aged 6 months to 2 years is prescribed 1 scoop of Pirantel suspension, children from 2 to 6 years old - 2 scoops, children from 6 to 12 years old - 2-4 tablespoons of suspension or the same number of tablets. The dosage for a child over 12 years old is 6 tablets or 6 scoops of an anthelmintic drug.
It is not recommended after taking the drug, as well as simultaneously with it, to give the child laxatives or other anthelmintic drugs, in order to avoid increasing the toxicity of the active substances contained in them.
The remedy is contraindicated for children with liver diseases and intolerance to the components it contains. Side effects of taking Pirantel are very rare. These include: mild dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, skin rash, fever, drowsiness, or vice versa, insomnia.