From the very birth, the baby is in contact with linen and clothes. Therefore, it is very important to treat the washing of the child's clothes with full responsibility, given the hypersensitivity of the child's skin. It is better to wash baby underwear with hypoallergenic powders without chemical additives and aggressive impurities.

Conventional powders, which contain more than 15% phosphates, chlorine and surfactants, can seriously harm the health of an adult, and even more so a child.
The harm of conventional powders
Regular powder contains anionic surfactants (A-surfactants) to effectively wash stubborn protein stains. A-surfactants wash fats from tissues well, combining them with water molecules, but they themselves are very poorly rinsed out with cold water and remain on the surface of clean things. On contact with human skin, they cause defatting and dehydration of the upper layer of the epithelium. In addition, A-surfactants very quickly come into contact with the delicate, thin skin of the child, causing allergic dermatitis and severe irritation.
Also, in order for the water to cease to be hard, phosphates are added to the usual powder. The powder containing this additive foams very well, but one should not forget about the toxicity of this element. Frequent use of washing powder with phosphates brings the baby's skin to absolute dryness and allergic reactions. Getting into the blood through the skin, phosphates can cause irreversible changes in the composition of the human blood.
Optical brighteners also remain on the surface of things and create a clean effect by emitting a certain spectrum of UV rays.
Under no circumstances should baby clothes be washed with powders and stain removers containing chlorine. It not only causes allergies, irritates the respiratory tract, but also provokes complications in the cardiovascular system.
Safe powders
The modern market presents a wide range of washing powders that can be used without harm to health. However, the inscription on the packaging, stating that this product is intended for children's things, is not yet a guarantee of quality.
The trust of experienced parents was won by washing powders, in which aggressive substances are contained in an amount of 5-15% and no more. Such powders are called eco-friendly or eco-powders. Among them, the most affordable are Garden, Ecole and Frosch. Using them, you can be calm about the health of the child and the whole family.
Only a reputable large company that values its name and reputation will conduct frequent expensive testing of its products in order to obtain a safety certificate.
Linen after washing with them will not only be perfectly clean, but also with an unobtrusive subtle smell, without any chemical fragrances such as "lavender" or "frosty freshness" and bleaching optical additives. Eco-powders do not spoil the fabric, they do an excellent job with stains, the linen does not lose color, it rinses out perfectly. The composition of these powders is almost completely natural and therefore does not cause allergies and dry skin.