If a small child gets sick, it is not immediately possible to understand what caused anxiety, crying and refusal to eat. One of the diseases that a baby can face is stomatitis. It is he who is often the cause of the malaise.

With stomatitis, the oral mucosa becomes inflamed, which causes the child severe discomfort. Stomatitis can develop with a decrease in immunity, hypothermia, infections, stress, indigestion. Also, the cause of stomatitis can be mechanical damage, at an early age due to the fact that the child pulls everything into his mouth, including toys with sharp edges.
Stomatitis can be divided into two types: herpetic, bacterial and traumatic. With herpetic stomatitis, symptoms such as lethargy, cough, runny nose, fever appear. The kid begins to be capricious. As a rule, such a condition is often mistaken for a cold, and only after the appearance of rashes in the mouth, after a few days, it becomes clear that this is stomatitis. Bacterial stomatitis develops with tonsillitis, pneumonia or otitis media. In the mouth, sores appear bright red with a white center. They hurt and prevent the child from eating. With traumatic stomatitis, swelling and redness may appear, later an ulcer develops, which, without treatment, turns into a source of infection that adversely affects the entire body.
Treatment of stomatitis is prescribed exclusively by a doctor, since the causative agents of stomatitis are different and the prescribed medications depend on them. Although, as a rule, rinsing with chamomile, strong tea or medications is prescribed. Rinsing is carried out every 2 hours and additionally after meals.
For small babies who cannot rinse their mouths, parents should irrigate the cavity using special sprays in cans. For this, the baby needs to be put on its side and the mucous membrane is treated. For children up to six months, sprays may be contraindicated, since they can provoke spasms and even asthma attacks.
With the bacterial nature of stomatitis, rinses are supplemented by treating the ulcers with an ointment prescribed by a doctor. And for traumatic stomatitis, sea buckthorn oil or a solution of vitamin A is perfect for wounds.
If the pain is so severe that the child cannot eat, the doctor may additionally prescribe pain relievers that are used to treat the lips, gums and tongue before eating.
Nutrition for stomatitis must be complete, but in a mild form - mashed potatoes, thick soups. Sweets should be discarded, since sugar provokes the growth of bacteria.