If the lexicon of a healthy child with normal hearing is limited to a dozen words by the age of 3, then there is a delay in speech development. Unfortunately, it often happens that parents, although worried that the baby does not begin to speak for a long time, do not, however, take any action in the hope that everything will be resolved by itself. Most often, their hopes are not justified, time is lost, and helping a child is already much more difficult.

Step 1
Speech correction work is especially effective in the period from 2, 5 to 5 years. Its early onset in many cases makes it possible to achieve complete elimination of the consequences of delayed speech development by school age.
Step 2
Speech therapists identify two main factors that affect the development of a child's speech: social conditions and pedagogical errors, and insufficient development of the neurological and sensorimotor base.
Step 3
In the first case, the cause of impaired speech development is, as a rule, methods of education. The child either lacks attention from adults, or it (attention) is present in an overabundance (overprotection). In the first case, the baby simply has no one to turn to. And in the second - there is no need, he is used to the fact that everything will be done anyway.
Step 4
It happens that the baby once says a word and then refuses to repeat it. Parents, guided, of course, by good intentions, begin to ask and then demand that he repeat the words once uttered by him, sometimes even punish the child for not wanting to speak. More often than not, this is counterproductive. The baby develops a negative attitude towards such exercises. As a result, he simply ignores any appeals to him by adults, expresses his desires with gestures or tries to satisfy them himself. Such independence pleases parents, but testifies, however, to the child's negative attitude to speech communication.
Step 5
Such violations are often aggravated by the characteristics of the baby's character - stubbornness, a tendency to tantrums, and self-will. If you want to help your child, see a child psychologist and speech therapist. Disorders caused by the lack of need for communication and the wrong approach of adults to the speech development of a child are successfully and quickly eliminated by specialists.
Step 6
In the second case (neurological disorders, underdevelopment of the sensorimotor base), seeking medical attention and regular exercise is absolutely necessary. Work on the correction of speech development will require much more time and effort and will be the more successful the sooner an appeal to a specialist follows.