Children who do not want to eat in any way cause a lot of problems for their parents and grandmothers. It is known that a child for normal development must consume a certain amount of nutrients, proteins, fats, carbohydrates per day. But explaining this to a child is sometimes difficult. In the arsenal of experienced parents, many methods have accumulated on how to get the little one to eat.

The first rule is that there should be no snacks. If you always have a dish of cookies in your kitchen, you can forget about proper nutrition. One cookie, the other, the third - so the child is full, because they are very high in calories. It is best to replace cookies with peeled and chopped vegetables such as carrots, lettuce, broccoli. Some children "gorge on" tea, kefir, milk, so remove bottles and cups from easy access. Usually, children eat well after an active walk outside, after a pool. Therefore, immediately after the walk, run home and try to feed the little one more densely. A big mistake in this case is to go to the store, a hungry child will immediately want juice or ice cream. Always eat at the same time. The regime is very important for proper nutrition, the body gets used to the intake of food at a certain time. It is best to coordinate your regimen with the regimen of kindergarten or school, and not leave it on weekends. Usually children eat well for the company, so always sit down to eat with the whole family. Even a baby is better to feed not separately, but together with everyone, so that he gets used to it, and from one table. Cook for yourself the same dishes as for him, looking at you or other family members, he will eat better. If your products are attractive to him, go for a trick - for example, you can put baby cottage cheese in a jar of delicious adult yogurt. Try not to force the child to eat, some children during a crisis of 3 years do the opposite. In this case, do not focus on food, but, say, play or watch a cartoon. In between times, spoon by spoon into his mouth. Having got used to a certain amount of food at the same time, over time, he will begin to eat independently. Psychological moment - you shouldn't ask "Would you like a soup?", But ask "Will you have a soup or a cutlet?". This technique works flawlessly not only for children, but also for adults.