There is a list of diseases that are considered the most dangerous for children living in Russia, therefore vaccination against them is included in the Russian vaccination calendar. These vaccinations protect the baby by creating artificial immunity, which helps to protect the baby from the disease itself and from the consequences that it can cause. Also, preventive vaccinations stop and prevent possible epidemics.

The timing and rules of vaccination cannot be neglected. You cannot vaccinate a child during illness or during the rehabilitation period after it. For each child, a vaccination calendar is drawn up, in which, based on his age, health status, risk of morbidity, the formation of immunity to various diseases, the timing and schedule of vaccination are prescribed. Children with chronic diseases, allergies or weakened immunity require an individual approach. Before vaccination of such a child, a consultation with an immunologist is required. The first vaccine is given against viral hepatitis B. This vaccine is given immediately after the birth of a child, during the first 12 hours of his life. This vaccination is repeated first after a month, and then at 6 months. This vaccine is the most difficult to tolerate, so it is possible to postpone it to a later age. It should be borne in mind that the child must be vaccinated by the time he enters school. In the maternity hospital, another vaccine, BCG, is usually given. This is a vaccination against tuberculosis and it is given to three- to seven-day-old babies. In Russia, the situation with tuberculosis is extremely unfavorable, so this vaccination should not be abandoned. The next vaccination on the calendar is the complex DPT vaccination. This vaccination is against 4 of the most dangerous diseases: diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus and polio. These vaccinations are performed according to the schedule, starting at three months of age and up to one year of the child's life. It should be borne in mind that in case of refusal to vaccinate against poliomyelitis, if a child enters a children's team where revaccination against poliomyelitis will be carried out, the child is subject to isolation for a period of 40 days. This is done to avoid vaccine-associated infection with this disease. The next vaccines included in the Russian vaccination schedule are measles, rubella and mumps. They are given to a one-year-old child. The test of mantoux, which is done every year, is also mandatory. It should not be neglected either, especially given the incidence of tuberculosis in our country. This procedure is absolutely harmless and extremely informative. But flu shots are recommended only for children with chronic diseases who need special protection. This vaccination is not necessary for healthy children and adolescents.