The child grows, changes, and the basis of his growing organism is the spine. The task of the parents is to make the child grow up healthy and strong, both physically and morally. It is important not to miss the moments when changes occur in the child's body.

The first bells
Strict control of the spine should begin when your child starts school. The stress on his spine increases and unpleasant changes can occur. First of all, do not be lazy before the school to be examined by a specialist. Let him assess the condition of your baby's spine. Only a specialist can assess the health of a child and write out certain recommendations. There may be disorders that need to be treated. The pediatrician will refer you to a specialist if necessary. After all, it is better to prevent the disease than to cure it.
There are many factors that influence the correct posture that parents should pay attention to. This is an orthopedic portfolio, a desk, and a writing desk for lessons.
Posture deviations
There are deviations from the norm that you can identify yourself.
Protruding shoulder blades. Such a seemingly harmless detail. But, it would not hurt to appear to a specialist. He will tell you about the necessary gymnastic exercises.
Rounded back. This is also not the norm. This defect is especially visible when the child is asleep. Be sure to show your child to a podiatrist.
Different legs. If the length is really different, you will definitely notice. The curvature of the pelvis can only be determined by a specialist. Do not hesitate to visit him if you notice deviations.
Scoliosis. Lateral curvature of the spine is visible at any age and requires immediate intervention. Its first manifestation may be a change in the length of the sleeve of a shirt or blouse. When the child is leaning forward, one part of his back is more rounded. In this case, the child should be shown to an orthopedist, and be under his further supervision. Special exercises, massages and the correct daily routine will ensure the child has a complete recovery. The child's mattress should be firm and the pillow small so that the spine is always straight.
Sometimes parents expect results too quickly. After a month or two, it seems to them that the result should already be noticeable. Unfortunately, scoliosis treatment can take several months. Support your child the entire time. Do daily exercises in a fun and easy way, and then everyday work will pay off.