What To Do If Your Newborn Is Awake

What To Do If Your Newborn Is Awake
What To Do If Your Newborn Is Awake

Usually, a newborn baby spends most of its time asleep. However, it also happens the other way around. But don't panic, because everything is easy to fix. The main thing is to be patient and learn to be consistent in your actions.

What to do if your newborn is awake
What to do if your newborn is awake

The main reasons affecting the healthy sleep of a newborn

The most common cause of sleepless nights for crumbs is stomach gas. The stomach of a newborn is too sensitive to food. Therefore, any, at first glance, non-allergenic foods can provoke bloating, flatulence and other gastrointestinal diseases that cause discomfort in the baby.

Improper nutrition of a nursing mother, not suitable for the composition of the formula, or frequent use of the nipple can lead to the accumulation of gas. And gas bubbles, in turn, getting into the stomach, cause painful sensations, while disrupting the child's sleep.

In addition to the cause of the tummy, the following factors can affect insomnia:

- lack of sleep patterns;

- improper conditions in the bedroom (too hot or too cold);

- excessive activity before bedtime.

However, a good mother can cope with the problem of sleeping in a newborn. To do this, you should simply adhere to the following recommendations.

Optimal conditions for a newborn's sleep

If you are breastfeeding, eat a strict diet for the first month. Avoid fermenting and bloating foods. Monitor the nutrition of the crumbs and be sure to feed him before going to bed. A hungry child sleeps restlessly and much less than the allotted time.

Before going to bed, give your baby a massage and special exercises. Such procedures help to escape gases, thereby eliminating the appearance of colic. Bathe your baby in warm water before going to bed with the addition of a sedative.

The temperature in the child's bedroom should be around 17-20 degrees. Before going to bed, be sure to ventilate the room, and it is best to walk in the fresh air during sleep. If you notice that your little one wakes up frequently, try swaddling him or using a special newborn sleeping bag.

Follow the daily routine and adhere to the sequence of your actions. For example, the daily routine might be as follows: feeding - water procedures - massage - favorite lullaby - sleep. It is very important that the newborn goes to bed at the same time. Before going to bed, give up active games, noisy rattles and emotional shocks.

But taking into account the individual needs of the child, only the mother knows exactly what is needed for her child's healthy sleep. Listen to your maternal instinct and it won't let you down. Just love your children, take care of them and take care of them! By establishing contact with your child, you will also improve his sleep.
