Changing a dirty diaper at home is usually straightforward. If the need to change the child's clothes has arisen on the street, the mother may have a question about where and how to change the baby's diaper.

What you need to take for a walk with your child
Whenever you leave home with your baby, remember to bring a spare diaper, wet wipes and a diaper. It is also better to have a change of clothes for the baby with you in case the diaper leaks and things get dirty. You can buy disposable diapers at the pharmacy or baby store. On the one hand, they have a soft absorbent layer, on the other - a waterproof film. If the baby goes to the toilet while changing clothes, the clothes under the diaper will stay clean.
Where to change a baby's diaper
You can change your baby's clothes at the mall. In large shopping and entertainment complexes, there are usually rooms for mothers and children, where the baby can be fed and changed. If the building does not have a specially equipped room, you may find a changing table in the toilet. Place a disposable diaper on it, lay your baby on, wipe him with wet wipes and change the diaper.
During the warmer months, you can do the necessary hygiene procedures while your baby is in the stroller. Place a disposable diaper under him and change his diaper. If it is too cold outside to undress your child, go to, for example, a store with almost no customers. Surely the managers will meet you halfway and allow you to change your baby's clothes. You may even be asked to use the back office to do whatever you need to do in a relaxed environment.
More and more often, mothers do not use strollers while walking, but carry children in sling or other carriers. If the weather permits, you can change your baby's clothes on the bench by placing a diaper on it.
Do I have to change the diaper </ h2
Pediatricians and baby care manufacturers recommend changing diapers every 2-3 hours. Therefore, put a clean diaper on your baby before walking. In this case, you most likely will not have to change your child's clothes. Even if the baby pooped, it is worth changing the diaper if the child makes it clear that he is uncomfortable. The child's health is safe if the baby spends half an hour in a dirty diaper. Therefore, if the child is cheerful and you are going to go home soon, you can not change the diaper for the child. You should not wake a sleeping baby to change clothes.
An older child over one year old can change the diaper in the shopping center toilet. If you are walking in the park, try to find a secluded corner and complete all the necessary procedures there. A child who is confidently on his feet can change the diaper while he is standing. Ask your baby to spread his legs wider, wipe the baby's bottom with wet wipes and put a clean diaper on the baby.