The neonatal period is the most difficult stage in a baby's life, since many body systems adapt to a new environment. These days, only the umbilical cord, which is so vulnerable that it requires daily and proper care, reminds of the child's intrauterine life.

To process the umbilical cord, you will need sterile cotton swabs or sterile cotton wool and disinfectants - 3% hydrogen peroxide or 70% ethyl alcohol, 2% brilliant green or 5% potassium permanganate solution. All manipulations should be performed with clean hands
Step 1
Soak the end of a cotton swab in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and thoroughly clean the bottom of the umbilical wound. Remove all visible crusts. Don't forget about the folds around your belly button. They are the most likely source of secretions that can lead to infection and inflammation. Pull the skin around the umbilical cord aside and work on any areas hidden behind the folds.
Step 2
After treating the navel, dry it with the dry tip of a cotton swab. Take another, soak it in a 2% alcohol solution of brilliant green (brilliant green), and process in the same sequence.
Step 3
After all the manipulations, leave the umbilical cord open. Do not glue or dust it. Make sure that the edges of the diaper also do not cover it. This will dry the umbilical cord faster.
Step 4
Covering the umbilical cord is possible only if it becomes red and wet. In this situation, after treatment with 70% alcohol solution and then 5% potassium permanganate, a sterile gauze napkin is applied.
Step 5
If there is pronounced redness, strong serous discharge from the umbilical cord, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor for advice on care and treatment.
Step 6
After the final scarring of the umbilical wound and the formation of the navel, the treatment is done with cotton swabs dipped in oil or boiled water.