The level of development of intelligence is the ability of a person to use his mind for thinking, understanding, listening, making decisions, observing, perceiving relationships, and so on. To determine this level, special tests are widely used today, consisting of certain tasks and limited in time.

What is intelligence
Before checking your intellectual level, you should more accurately understand what is meant by this concept. With the help of intellect, a person thinks, learns and adapts to the environment, and can also develop his thinking abilities, language perception, verbal qualities, vocabulary, imaginative thinking and arithmetic abilities. Scientists have two theories of intelligence - according to the first theory, there are seven types of intellectual abilities: kinesthetic, musical, verbal, spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal and logical-mathematical.
These types mean coordination of movements, ear for music and a sense of rhythm, orientation in space, reading, writing and speaking, problem solving, communication and interaction.
According to the second theory, intelligence is based on component (fluency, verbal intelligence, memory), empirical (ability to find solutions and distinguish between problems) and contextual (practicality of the mind) components. However, knowledge of theories does not make it possible to determine the level of intellectual development of a person, therefore, special IQ tests were created for this purpose. They are based on a scale of 0 to 160, which ranges from debility to genius.
Definition of intelligence
To determine your level of intellectual development, you should pass one of the reliable online tests that can be easily found on the Internet. At the same time, you should choose tests that, with repeated passing, give consistent results and assess exclusively intellectual level, and not general knowledge. These IQ tests are designed to assess a person's thinking and logical abilities using a certain number of tasks that need to be completed in a limited time - from twenty to forty minutes.
The difficulty of the questions in some online tests varies depending on the age of the person being tested.
To accurately determine the level of your intellectual development, when passing the test, it is not recommended to use cheat sheets, paper, pen, calculator, Internet or outside tips. A result of less than 60-70 points indicates the lowest level of intelligence, in some cases bordering on debility. The result from 70 to 110 points speaks of normal mental abilities and is obtained by the majority of the population living in the territories of developed countries. The result from 110 to 160 points indicates a person's genius and is very rare.