New skills of the baby - smiling, crawling, walking - bring joy to parents and cause genuine admiration. But when comparing their child with other children, mothers are often upset that a friend's son started walking earlier, and a neighbor's daughter already speaks and even knows the numbers per year. Are such comparisons always justified? After all, there are norms for the physical and mental development of children, and it is on them that you need to be guided when determining the level of development of a child. Lagging behind these norms and even getting ahead of them are indicators of deviation from normal development.

It is necessary
- - tests to determine the norms of the development of children;
- - the child's medical record.
Step 1
Watch your child. Briefly write what he can do, what he achieved by his age. Observations can be recorded, breaking down into components: speech development, cognitive processes, motor development, self-service. On another piece of paper, write down what, in your opinion, the baby could have mastered by his age, but in fact does not know how.
Step 2
Compare your observations with the developmental norms of children at this age. Such indicators are most often presented in the form of tables. Each table is a work compiled by a team of authors based on scientific data and long-term observation of groups of children. Any test is considered reliable if it has been tested on at least two thousand people.
Step 3
Determine if the child has a developmental lead in any indicators. This may indicate that he has giftedness in a certain area of knowledge or a developmental disability. Giftedness manifests itself against the background of normal development in all other indicators. A deviation can be considered high indicators in one area, and lagging in all others. For example, a child at 2 years old begins to read, but does not know how to use a potty, is not interested in toys, does not express positive emotions when meeting with parents.
Step 4
Experiment with age-appropriate skills for children. Observation does not always give an accurate picture of the level of development, because the manifestation of some skills has to wait several days. You can specially organize the child's activities: “Show the doll's nose. And where is Olya's nose? - normally, by the age of 2, the child unmistakably shows one part of the body in himself and in others. The content of the experimental tasks can also be found in the tables of developmental norms for children.
Step 5
Analyze your child's medical record. Height, weight, incidence of diseases are important diagnostic indicators of its development in general. Small height or large weight may also be a consequence of the child's genetic characteristics, but their dynamics will indicate how effective conditions are created in the family for the normal development of the child.