Entering school is a serious stage in entering an independent adult life. Parents are most concerned with the level of preparation of the child for the school curriculum. Therefore, you need to make sure in advance that your baby feels comfortable in the new environment.

Entering school is a serious stage in entering an independent adult life. Parents are most concerned with the level of preparation of the child for the school curriculum. Therefore, you need to make sure in advance that your baby feels comfortable in the new environment.
In pedagogy and psychology, there are several main criteria for readiness for school education: intellectual, motivational, psychological, social, physical. Each of them has a number of grounds, thanks to which it is possible to determine how holistically and harmoniously the personality develops. Intellectual readiness is considered the most important when entering school. The child's intelligence is tested in accordance with the level of his thinking, attention and memory.
Thinking level
At the age of 6-7 years, a child should have knowledge about the world around him and its features, about the principles of interaction between people in a team, about nature and the animal world. In order to test this knowledge, you can invite your baby to complete a number of simple tasks. For example: the distribution of figures in shape and color, comparing several objects and highlighting their differences, generalizing information, analyzing a simple situation or event, inventing the end of a fairy tale, etc. These types of tasks will help you understand how actively and correctly the mental mechanisms of perception are working. You can also test your child. To do this, it is necessary to find methodological literature suitable for age, the number of which is growing every day.
Memory level
A good memory is the key to successful schooling. Checking a child's memory is not a difficult task. Read a short text and ask to retell it, adding details and descriptive elements as you go. This exercise will give the first results. Tasks aimed at memorizing and further reproduction of words contribute well to the development of memory. For example, you show several cards with images of different objects and ask them to name those that the child remembered. There are many variations of such tasks. It all depends on your imagination and preparedness.
Attention level
At school, teachers are faced with the problem of inattention and restlessness of first graders. It is difficult to focus the attention of a 6-7 year old child for 30-40 minutes. It is necessary to develop the ability to listen carefully from childhood. The easiest way to test a child's level of focus is to read aloud and ask the correct questions. Read a few pairs of words aloud and ask your child to say which word in the pair is longer and which is shorter. If your child is distracted while reading, then it will be difficult for him to cope with the task at hand.
Correct testing of the child's readiness for school will save parents in the future from many problems associated with adaptation in society. You should not exert psychological pressure, since your baby is a fully formed personality with its own priorities and character traits.