Adolescence is considered to be the transition from a child to an adult. This period is the most difficult, because at this time, the formation of personality takes place. And it is very important not to miss the moment, but to help and support your growing up child.

What difficulties are there in adolescence
Adolescents usually include people between the ages of 12 and 17. It is during this period, on average, that a person grows up. If before that time he is considered still a child who does not bear any responsibility for his actions and actions, and thinking itself still works like a child, then after that, changes in the body begin to occur.
The child begins to grow up quickly and develop both physically and mentally. Hormonal changes take place - the production of a large amount of sex hormones. As a result of which, external sexual characteristics begin to appear in a person, a figure is formed. During this period, a teenager feels awkward because of his unusual state, with rare exceptions when this process occurs very quickly and after a year or two - a fully formed boy or girl.
In addition to physical change, a person's character also changes greatly. Perhaps, in a short period of time, an angry and aggressive teenager will emerge from a sweet kind child. Such drastic changes are due to hormonal changes, as well as the formation of their own "I". At this moment, the process of denial of all the former often occurs. The style of clothing, manners, tastes, social circle, etc. are changing.
The character usually does not change for the better. Aggressiveness, conflict, mental imbalance or, conversely, isolation, shyness, shyness, low self-esteem - these are not all the qualities that can manifest themselves in adolescence.
Due to the fact that a teenager begins to grow up, his worldview becomes different and it often seems to him that everyone is opposed to him, trying to infringe on his interests and disregard his opinion. At this moment, he wants to be independent and make all decisions himself, sometimes they are very erroneous under the influence of emotions.
Also, conflicts with parents often occur, even if before that there was a very good trusting relationship, the teenager may withdraw into himself, start being rude or even run away from home. The opinion of peers is considered to be prioritized over that of experienced adults, since it seems to them that with their age and authority they suppress them.
In adolescence, there is a high probability of addiction to addictions: alcohol, smoking, drugs. Especially if the immediate environment consists of such "advanced" peers who can deliberately provoke this.
How to help your child get through adolescence without big problems
In general, the transition period is difficult for both the teenager himself and his parents. It is important to survive with less losses. In no case can you absolutely control your child, prohibiting him absolutely everything and denying any of his decisions. Even if they seem completely wrong to you. Thus, you will achieve either a complete loss of authority, and in the future - the manifestation of all your limitations, or suppression of the child as a person, the absence of a solid core.
It is impossible to foresee all the consequences, but some actions still need to be performed, and not allowed to take their course. Otherwise, in this case, not very good results are also possible.
First of all, the child should see your sincere love, and not conditional: “I love an obedient child,” “if you study well,” etc. You should love him simply because he is your child, and not for some qualities and actions. After all, we all make mistakes and mistakes. And the child should feel that at home he will always be understood and accepted by anyone.
The relationship between parents is also an example - if there are constant conflicts, quarrels, screams in the family, this will negatively affect the child's fragile psyche. And if the family has a calm, friendly atmosphere, open for communication and discussion of any problems, then this will help the teenager to share his experiences and difficulties. Do not just ignore it, even the little things may seem very important and serious to him at that moment.
Try to be a friend to your child who will listen and, if necessary, will slightly correct his decision. Do not impose your opinion or give advice when not asked for. Control your teen so that he does not know about it. And of course, try to occupy his time with something useful and developing as much as possible. If there is such an opportunity, then do it with the whole family, or at least enroll it in different circles. The main thing is that he also likes these activities, even if you would like others.
Do not limit the child's abilities, praise and support his endeavors more often, and in this case, a real person will grow out of a small child, who will be responsible for his actions and deeds, treat everything responsibly and in the future, will thank you for your help and support.