Children are a source of both positive emotions and constant care. Buying slippers for babies is financially unprofitable, but necessary. Let's try to sew them ourselves. Let's take a pattern of size 15 slippers as an example.

- - Paper for patterns;
- - different pieces of fabric;
- - oblique inlay;
- - threads;
- - sewing machine.
Step 1
The sides of the slippers should be trapezoidal and consist of 2 layers of fabric. Make the top layer of a beautiful dense fabric. The inner layer is made of soft warm material.
Step 2
Cut a pattern out of the paper. Fold the fabric in half, right side in, and transfer the template to the fabric. Do the same with the second piece of material. Cut with a 1 cm seam allowance. There should be 4 pieces from the material. Two for the right side and two for the left side of the slipper.
Step 3
The next part is the tongue. Transfer the paper part to the fabric, the same as for the side parts of the sneaker. Do not forget the seam allowances.
Step 4
Place your baby's foot on a piece of paper. Draw a pencil around your foot. Extend the pattern on all sides by 1 cm and cut out the sole pattern. Transfer the pattern to the fabric. Add 1 cm seam allowances. The sole should consist of 4 layers: thick fabric, synthetic winterizer, denim, leather or leatherette. You will get 4 parts from different fabrics. Quilting the dense fabric and synthetic winterizer (sew the insole lengthwise and across with a distance of 1-2 cm between the seams), then join with the denim piece.
Step 5
Fold the sides of the slipper with a nice fabric inward. Sew on toes and heel. Connect the side pieces to the tongue. Make a seam on the front side, decorate it with a bias tape of a suitable color.
Step 6
Stitch the quilted sole (denim facing out) to the top of the slipper from the right side with a bias tape. Fold the edge of the tape down and secure with tailor's pins. Baste the leather layer of the sole to the slipper and sew on. In the same way, make slippers on the other leg. Decorate the top of the slippers with fur.