Every mother is interested in the burning question - how much does the baby weigh at birth. This indicator depends on many factors: how the pregnant woman ate, what physique she was, whether the baby was born full-term.

Step 1
The normal weight of a newborn ranges from 2500-4500 g. Naturally, this is a conditional indicator. Even full-term babies are sometimes born with a weight of less than 2.5 kg. This can be the case in the case of a lack of vitamins and minerals in a pregnant woman. Also, small babies are often born to slender girls.
Step 2
It is believed that the average weight - 3300-3500 g - is an indicator of the health of the baby. But even children with a birth weight of 2000 g can be absolutely healthy. Another thing is that the less the weight of the newborn, the more restless he is - more often he wakes up, more often he wants to eat, more needs to be rocked, carried in his arms, and slept near his mother.
Step 3
About a "heavy" child, who was born with a weight of 4-5 kg, is often said - calm, like a baby elephant. Indeed, plump babies are more likely to be passive, less likely to cry and wake up at night.
Step 4
Do not panic if the normal weight of the newborn suddenly creeps down. In the first days of life, children can lose 5-6% of their body weight. This is due to the expenditure of energy that occurs after birth, as well as a slight dehydration of the infant's body.
Step 5
Parents are interested not only in how much the child weighs at birth, but also how actively he should gain weight for the first six months of life. During this period, the mother and baby often visit the pediatrician, who conducts scheduled weighing. Since each child is different, the doctor uses a special formula to calculate the weight gain. It looks like this: VN (newborn weight) + 800xN = weight. āNā refers to the number of months the baby has lived. For example, if a child weighed 3000 g at birth, and now he is 4 months old, then his normal weight is 6200 g.
Step 6
After six months, the formula for calculating the normal weight becomes more complicated. VN + 800x6 (weight gain in six months) + 400x (N ā 6), where N is the number of months (from 6 to 12). That is, an 8 month old baby born with a weight of 3000 g will weigh 8600 g.
Step 7
This formula is relative, as is the normal weight of a newborn. Therefore, the mother should not be alarmed if the doctor assures that her child is healthy. In addition, full-term babies born with low weight simply develop faster in the first month of life. They eat more to catch up with their more plump peers. Therefore, their rate of weight gain does not fit into the classic formula. They add on average 100-300 g more per month.
Step 8
It is also worth making allowances for the infant's physique. Birth weight often depends on the constitution. So there is nothing wrong with the fact that a child was born with a weight of less than 2.5 kg or more than 4.5 kg.