The great happiness and pride of parents will be if their children grow up to be highly moral people. Everyone knows that a child under the age of 7 is overly emotional. This can serve as the basis for the formation of morality.

Over time, the preschooler takes on the accepted social rules of behavior and relationships, attitudes towards himself and the world around him. Moral education is the foundation for a diversified character development.
The moral education of preschool children must be carried out in various spheres. The child gets the basics of moral influence in the circle of his family, with friends and in other public places. Often such influence does not correspond to the principles of morality.
Means helping to educate the morality of the child
These include fine art, works of literature, films, and more. They play an important role in the moral education of a preschooler. Artistic means are the most effective for the formation of correct upbringing.
She instills in the child the desire to take care of those who are weaker, who need help and protection. Also, nature forms confidence in the child. Instilling a love of nature also develops feelings of patriotism in children, since the phenomena of nature are close and easy to perceive.
Creative activity
These are various games, training, art and work. Each species has a corresponding influence on education. Communication takes center stage. It does the best job of correcting and nurturing feelings and attitudes.
The atmosphere that surrounds the child, it should be benevolent, saturated with love. The environment is the basis for the education of feelings and behavior.
The choice of suitable means for education directly depends on the tasks set, the age of the child, and the level at which the development of his moral qualities is.