What is morality? This is an internal attitude of a person, based on his choice between good and evil, good and bad. It is necessary to educate morality from an early age.

Step 1
Morality is not only a rejection of evil deeds, but also a conscious striving for good and creation. This is love for the world and people as a manifestation of human free will. In a general sense, this is the domination of good over evil, labor over laziness, collectivism over egoism.
Step 2
Tell your kid fairy tales in which good triumphs over evil. The child thinks in images, so it is important to endow the characters with striking features. Let in your fairy tale the head be cut off to the evil bloodthirsty dragon, and happiness awaits the kind, hardworking girl. Lead the story in a non-detached manner: your intonation must match the context.
Step 3
When the child grows up, read to him the stories and tales of Leo Tolstoy. The situations outlined by the classic perfectly illustrate the best examples of morality.
Step 4
Set a good example for your child. Behave with restraint and calmness, do not make family scandals. Provide all possible help to people in difficult situations. Point out the good and bad actions of others to your child, but try to remain objective.
Step 5
Develop a sense of community responsibility in your baby. Show him an example of how to share treats, toys, and other interesting things with other people. A child of primary school age can already be entrusted with small, but important things: to follow the younger brother, go to the store for bread, etc. If the kid did a good job, do not forget to praise him. Tactfully point out mistakes and mistakes, but do not scold the child.
Step 6
For the correct formation of the child's personality, it is useful to keep animals in the house that the baby can take care of. These can be fish, turtle, dog or cat. Taking care of your pet together with your baby, show him an example of respect for nature and living things in general. If by some of his actions the child hurts the cat, strictly inform him about it and stop his actions. He must understand that destructive behavior is not approved by society.