Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in his work "Eugene Onegin" wrote the truthful lines "love of all ages is submissive, its impulses are beneficial …" The impulses of love are really beneficial and completely heal ailments, and this has confirmation.

Love cure
It is known that wounds quickly regenerate in those who do not quarrel with loved ones. Scientists have found that wounds heal faster in loving married couples - a study was conducted with the participation of 37 married couples. All of the participants in the unusual study injured the skin on their hands, and after 12 days, the degree of wound healing was checked. Those couples who had the least conflicts, the wounds healed faster.
Scientists associate this effect with the work of oxytocin - it is also called the "hormone of tenderness and trust." It strengthens love and family ties between people.
Earlier, scientists proved that oxytocin increases trust and reduces fear, thanks to which relationships between people become warmer. This substance is recommended in the treatment of diseases such as autism and Asperger's syndrome.
American scientists have come to the conclusion that the feeling of love has a beneficial effect on the human body. When we are in love, we are less painful in stressful situations, and we recover faster after any stress. On top of that, being in love, which is mutual, strengthens the immune system.
Love is compared to a drug: as experiments have proven, the production of oxytocin begins just by looking at photos of a lover or beloved.
The touch of lovers even helps to lower blood stress hormone levels, normalize cardiovascular pressure and reduce pain sensitivity.
What do people love?
Different parts of the brain are responsible for different types of emotional attachment. The middle part of the brain is responsible for the love of mother and child. The question arises, is love really just biochemistry? What then do people love - with the brain or the heart? Stephanie Ortigue, the author of the study, believes that the brain, but the heart, is still strongly associated with this condition. Sometimes a person feels some symptoms, which, as a result of manifestations of the heart, can sometimes come from the brain. What about this incredible feeling that brings people pain and trouble? In this regard, Stephanie Ortigues argues that this is another area of brain study. Medicine can help if you understand why and how people fall in love, and for what reason love breaks hearts.
So in the near future, having studied the human brain in more detail, scientists will be able to artificially awaken or lull love, and this will relieve and begin to cure humanity from hopeless or unrequited love.