How Long Is Pregnancy Visible On Ultrasound

How Long Is Pregnancy Visible On Ultrasound
How Long Is Pregnancy Visible On Ultrasound

For a woman, pregnancy begins with the appearance of two stripes on the test. Realization of his interesting position occurs a little later, at the first ultrasound examination (ultrasound). It is very important for a pregnant woman to know when it is possible to see the unborn child on an ultrasound scan and when it is safe to do it.

How long is pregnancy visible on ultrasound
How long is pregnancy visible on ultrasound

Ultrasound examination is a diagnostic method based on the ability of ultrasonic waves to reflect from different internal organs in different ways. The data obtained in this way are recorded by a special device, which shows them as a picture on the monitor.

Accuracy of ultrasound diagnostics

There are factors that determine the accuracy of the study:

- modernity and power of the device;

- qualification of a specialist - a very experienced and competent doctor can pay attention to the slightest changes or deviations from the norm and evaluate these features;

- the term of the diagnosed pregnancy.

Initially, the equipment was very bulky and did not produce a very clear image. As a result, the diagnosis became difficult and led to false conclusions. Modern equipment has the highest degree of sensitivity, allowing you to see even the mucous membranes of internal organs on the monitor

Timing of pregnancy diagnosis

In the cavity of the fallopian tubes, the fertilization of the egg takes place, and after a week the embryo will be introduced into the wall of the uterus. By the beginning of the second week, a barely noticeable tubercle is formed, which can be seen by a good ultrasound doctor.

By the end of the second week, the embryo noticeably increases in size, and its appearance is characteristic for an accurate diagnosis of pregnancy. If the equipment is not new enough or a doctor with low qualifications, as well as if there are abnormalities in the course of pregnancy, ultrasound may not show pregnancy. In this case, doctors recommend an ultrasound scan two to three weeks after the date of the expected, but not onset of menstruation. This moment will be approximately the sixth to seventh week of pregnancy.

There are cases when menstruation is delayed, the presence of pregnancy symptoms is noted, and an ultrasound does not show the presence of a fetal egg. Doctors do not recommend to be nervous at the same time, and after seven to ten days, repeat the study. During this period, the ovum will increase in size and can be viewed without problems.

If re-examination has not yielded results, a broader study should be carried out, which is aimed at excluding an ectopic pregnancy.

Doctors recommend an ultrasound examination in special institutions that work with pregnant women, since universal medical institutions often provide inaccurate information.
