When planning a pregnancy, you must take a course of multivitamin preparations. This is especially important if a woman's nutrition is not balanced.

vitamins, vegetables, fruits
Step 1
If in the near future you are planning to become a mother, you need to approach pregnancy planning with a certain amount of responsibility. See your doctor 2-3 months before the intended conception. The specialist will refer you for tests and give you advice on proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle and taking vitamins.
Step 2
It is believed that additional intake of vitamin complexes is not necessary if a woman's diet is balanced. It should be borne in mind that the expectant mother has an increased need for certain substances. Prepare your body for pregnancy by eliminating vitamin deficiencies.
Step 3
Do not take vitamin supplements without first consulting your doctor. A specialist will help you decide which complex you need, and will also give recommendations about the optimal dosage of the drug.
Step 4
Many modern doctors believe that when planning pregnancy, you need to take vitamins separately, and not as part of multivitamin complexes, since the needs for certain substances in women may be different. If you nevertheless decide to choose complex preparations for pregnant women because of the convenience of taking them, pay attention to their composition.
Step 5
Folic acid must be present in the vitamin complex. Start supplementing with folic acid 3 months before conceiving. Its dosage should be from 0.4 to 0.8 mg per day.
Step 6
Give preference to multivitamins, which include vitamins A and E. Additional intake of these substances will also be required throughout the entire first trimester of pregnancy.
Step 7
Take a multivitamin that contains iodine. At the same time, remember that iodine preparations are contraindicated for women suffering from thyroid diseases.