The relationship between two people is not always perfect. Sometimes the cause of small quarrels is minor problems that develop into something more serious. But the situation can almost always be saved if you treat each other with love and respect.

- 1. Love
- 2. Respect
Step 1
Feel the other person's condition. Talk to him about his problems. Tell him that you love him. Sometimes your partner just doesn't have enough love and affection. Avoid being dismissive in your relationship.

Step 2
Get into the position of another person. Sometimes the reason for the strange or annoying behavior of a partner is banal fatigue. Try to understand the other person in order to find the right way out of the problem situation.

Step 3
Don't try to win an argument with your loved one. After all, your task is to solve problems. This requires learning to compromise. Don't make any promises or answers when you're angry. In addition, there is no need to remember the past.

Step 4
Apologize if you are guilty of something. At the same time, be honest and concise. Do not make excuses for yourself, and also try not to shift responsibility for your actions to other people. Most importantly, don't make your mistake again.

Step 5
Avoid exaggeration. You don't have to tell your partner, “You always do this,” “You never do that,” and the like. Such statements will never help save a relationship.