Englishman Davis Weeks, M. D., has calculated that quality sex helps people feel about seven years younger! Of course, the conversation is not about banal "ridiculous movements", it is about full-fledged pleasure in bed! Dr. Wicks's colleagues have compiled a list of things that guys expect from first contact with a lady.

So, many men are waiting for the lady to offer to start with oral sex. They believe that this is an indicator of the sincerity of a woman's relationship.
Go ahead. For both parties, the first contact is exciting, men are waiting for female initiative, passive participation does not attract them. On the first night, the guy needs confirmation of interest in him.
There is no need to show excessive bashfulness, to have complexes about your body. This immediately gives rise to uncertainty.
Try not to criticize a man, even if you think that his penis size is not perfect, ejaculation occurs earlier than you need, and so on. Everything should go perfectly. Support the man if you want to continue to continue the relationship with him. Later you will be able to correct all the shortcomings, adjust to each other.
Men love compliments, only they are afraid of a dirty trick. Conclusion: do not moan too violently, be sincere, pay attention exclusively to the positive moments.
Rid the guy from the overabundance of emotions. Why immediately start fantasizing about how you will live together in the future, organize your leisure time? It is not recommended to immediately take a man into circulation - you will scare him away. Let him conquer you, feeling like a male!