A relationship with a man is always a kind of mystery for a woman - how to find an approach to a new partner, what to expect from a relationship, how to keep it? The answer to all these questions can be found by understanding what the men themselves need, who enter into a serious relationship with women.

Most men value their masculine "autonomy", considering it a mandatory property for the realization of the stronger sex in the world. Therefore, first of all, they expect from the relationship and the woman, including that she will always understand and support her partner. Thus, the main need for a man in a relationship is trust from his partner and a sense of security around her. The worst development of events in this case can be a woman's ridicule of male shortcomings - such behavior is the most painful for a man.
In addition to comfort and understanding in a relationship, a man should receive recognition of his male authority from his partner - otherwise, he may end the relationship that burdens him, even if the woman is very dear to him. The narcissism of men also pushes them to the desire to show off their woman in the company of other "males" - this automatically raises a man to a higher level of a kind of male hierarchy. For this reason, he expects from a woman that she will take care of herself and in every possible way increase his self-esteem, no matter how selfish it sounds - such is the male nature.
And, of course, a man entering into a relationship needs sincere care, affection and love, subconsciously seeking maternal support in the person of his partner. Sex, delicious food, clean things, the desire to return to a warm habitable home after a working day - this is an incomplete list of the main factors that force a man to marry or just live with his beloved woman.