Many schoolchildren at the end of the school year are faced with a phenomenon called the last quarter syndrome. Strength is running out, study is difficult, irritability appears. The child may become lethargic and drowsy or, conversely, begin to show signs of increased excitability. In this situation, parents must help the child so that he does not spoil the final grades and undermine his health.

Outdoor walks and daily routine
After school, the child should not spend all the time at the computer or at the TV, as this will lead to the fact that he will take up lessons only late in the evening, when there is no longer any strength or desire to complete them. Homework is unlikely to be done well, leading to poor grades and parental reprimands. It is necessary to make sure that the child walks in the fresh air every day, he begins to do his homework at a certain time and not too late. It is recommended to start with simple exercises first so that you can tune in to your homework, easily switching to more complex tasks. You cannot accumulate tasks, leaving them at the last moment. The load should be distributed evenly throughout the week.
Unscheduled weekend
If you can see that the child is really tired, constantly complains of drowsiness and cannot concentrate on the lessons, you can arrange an unplanned day off. Only it should never be done at home. The child should sleep in the morning, there is no need to wake him up. After that, you need to take care of the lessons the next day, and then you can safely go for a long walk. You can envisage visiting the pool, bowling, cinema or any other place where the child can relax and get away from school. One such day will be enough for the student to regain strength, get a boost of good mood and again be able to immerse himself in his studies.
Student health
In the spring, children may experience vitamin deficiency, which negatively affects not only health, but also intellectual activity - drowsiness, apathy and constant fatigue will not contribute to the acquisition of knowledge. During this period, it is necessary to revise the child's diet, if necessary adding multivitamin complexes to it after consulting a doctor.
Praise and encouragement
Bad grades are not a reason to constantly scold or punish your child. Affectionate and kind words, moral support and help if the child does not understand the material - the result will not be long in coming, and only the highest scores will appear in the diary.