Sometimes women who want to get pregnant are faced with a seemingly insoluble problem: a man's unwillingness to have a child. But, if the man is the head of the family, then the woman is the neck. With the right approach, she can direct a man on the right path. There are several ways to help change a husband's view of having a baby.

Step 1
In no case should a man be forced by means of blackmail and hysterics. This can lead, at best, to a quarrel, and at worst, to rupture of relations. Just to persuade her husband, too, most likely, will not work. The man will defend his innocence to the end. Deception will not lead to anything good. If you get pregnant "on the quiet", then later the relationship can be completely destroyed. A man must himself understand that the birth of a son or daughter will be a joyful moment for him, and not a shock.
Step 2
Sometimes the reluctance to have a child arises from the lack of confidence in your partner. If so, then try to build trust. He must have complete confidence. Don't make him jealous for any reason. Show yourself a good housewife, responsible and loving wife. Perhaps he is missing something. Try to give him what he wants.
Step 3
If a man is a business person, then perhaps a rational conversation will lead to the desired result. Talk to the man what he wants. What material values and social status does he want to achieve before having a child. If he can answer all the questions, then there is no need to worry about the future. After all, a man wants to achieve a stable position, to provide the expectant mother and his child with all the benefits. It turns out that he sees the child in perspective. Here it is only necessary to support him in all endeavors.
Step 4
Visit your friends who have children. A man will clearly see the life of a family with a child. Chat with parents. Perhaps he will understand that his life after the birth of the baby will be as stable as it is now. But here it is worth thinking about which friends to go to. You need to choose a family where the child is not capricious. Otherwise, getting into an environment where there is constant noise and screams, a man may be frightened. And then it will be even more difficult to convince him.
Step 5
You can resort to communicating with your husband's parents. When talking with your father-in-law and mother-in-law, subtly hint that you are ready to have a child. Most parents just dream of having grandchildren and granddaughters. Here, potential grandparents will also resort to various methods to help achieve grandchildren. And, as you know, for a man it is the mother who is the wisest, and the dad is the authority. In any case, he will not ignore their words, but he will think.
Step 6
Make it clear to him that it is the birth of a child that is the main indicator of his masculinity. You just can't say it directly. You need to be careful, otherwise a man may think that his beloved considers him not a man.
Step 7
If all else fails, then take a time out. Consider all the steps taken, analyze the man's reaction. As a result, you can find the most optimal methods of influence.