A series of unpleasant events, a too intense pace of life, the inability to achieve the desired goals, the problems of loved ones - all this and much more can lead to moral fatigue. Its manifestations are such destructive feelings and emotions as dissatisfaction with oneself and the surrounding world, mental pain, various types of fears, disbelief in a bright future, etc.

Moral fatigue: signs, causes and effects
Unlike physical stress, mental fatigue is not manifested by pain in muscles or any other parts of the body. It can be compared to nervous exhaustion, mental strain. A morally tired person can be easily identified by characteristic external signs: drooping shoulders, dull eyes, quiet speech, sometimes excessive emotionality, aggressiveness, tearfulness, etc. can be observed. He may be tormented by some internal contradictions, unresolved conflicts, problems of self-realization, social maladjustment, etc.
The consequence of moral fatigue can be various autonomic disorders of the central nervous system, neurosis, psychosis, asthenia, etc. A long stay in a depressed, depressed state can lead to functional disorders of the cardiovascular system, to a decrease in immunity, and to weaken the entire body as a whole.
As noted above, the causes of moral fatigue can be very diverse and depend on the characteristics of the situation for each individual person. The manifestations and consequences of this condition can also be completely different, a stronger person with a sanguine type of temperament will cope with difficulties much faster and with less losses than, for example, a melancholic.
How to deal with mental fatigue?
Try to resolve all internal and external conflicts in time, and it is better not to allow them at all. In a series of intense workdays, find time for rest, learn to completely relax, for this do meditation, yoga. Change the environment more often, travel, go hiking, go on excursions. New interesting impressions, broadening your own horizons, passion for something - all this distracts from pressing problems.
Give up the habit of constantly scrolling through the same intractable questions in your mind. Promise yourself to think about problems tomorrow, and today, relax, free your body from fears, envy, heartache and other experiences. Find an interesting hobby. It is important that not only work and everyday life are present in your life, but also something that would bring you undoubted pleasure.
Don't make too high demands on yourself or on the people around you. Remember that you cannot redo all the cases, you cannot earn all the money. Take time to relax your soul. If you feel that you are overcome by constant mental fatigue, turning into depression, consult with an experienced therapist.