It is not customary to talk about this in society, but the problem is widespread - many mothers get tired of their children. This does not mean that they do not like them. This means that at some point they took on too many responsibilities. And finally, the bowl overflowed.

Step 1
You dream that your child will be the smartest, most beautiful, agile and physically developed, and are ready to do everything for this. Accelerated Techniques, Cradle English, Pool and Drawing Club. You experience the child's successes and failures as your own. Unsurprisingly, you end up feeling exhausted; not every adult can handle this kind of stress. Allow yourself and your child to relax. Walk together in the park, watch a cartoon. This will be no less useful than the next math lesson for the little ones.
Step 2
"Mom is asleep, she is tired … Well, I didn't play either!" In the famous poem by Elena Blagina, the clever daughter leaves all her noisy games to give her mother a rest. If your child is already three years old, he is quite capable of realizing that you are tired and want to lie down, but then you will certainly return to him. Teach your baby to do this gradually. First, leaving for five to ten minutes, each time increasing the time, and soon the child will allow you to sleep during the day.
Step 3
Have you decided to make a to-do list that includes a visit to a pediatrician, a walk with a dog, cooking dinner for your husband, and a general cleaning? Check again to see if you have some free time for yourself. Unsurprisingly, when you deprive yourself of rest, you feel immensely tired.
Step 4
Share your feelings with your husband. Agree that he will help you manage the child, take on some of the worries. For example, a spouse can pick up his son from the sports section after work, and you devote the free hour of time to yourself.
Step 5
The grandparents of the child can also become your irreplaceable helpers. But in no case insist or reproach them for not wanting to help with grandchildren - you gave birth to a child for yourself. If you describe to them how you want to relax, chances are they will volunteer to pick up your child for the entire weekend.