The body of an infant is rather weak. Therefore, any negative factor can lead to various diseases. Some of them are manifested, for example, by such a nuisance as coughing. It is necessary to treat this ailment immediately.

- - cottage cheese 200g;
- - gray bread 200g;
- - honey;
- - Hot milk;
- - aloe.
Step 1
At the first symptoms of a cough in an infant, do not panic, pull yourself together and call your local pediatrician. He will prescribe adequate treatment, which means he will help to avoid all sorts of side effects and complications. Most often, drugs are prescribed based on coltsfoot, marshmallow, licorice. Strictly follow all doctor's appointments. But nevertheless, it is better to combine medications with compresses and ointments. The doctor himself will advise you to use some well-known methods.
Step 2
Make a curd compress. This is a pretty effective remedy. Heat the cottage cheese in a water bath, make sure that it is not very hot. Wrap it in gauze and place it on the child's back. Cover with wax paper, fix with foil, leave for 10-15 minutes. The kid may not like such a procedure, therefore, so that he does not scream and knock down the compress, take it in your arms and shake it.
Step 3
Such a remedy will help to quickly get rid of the disease. Take 200 grams of gray bread without a crust, chop it, add 2 tablespoons of hot milk to the mass, the same amount of honey and grated aloe. Mix everything and make two cakes, heat them a little in a water bath, and apply warm on the chest and back. Keep for 2 hours, repeat 2-3 times a day. Can be used in children from two months.
Step 4
Do a draining massage. Place the baby on your knees with your stomach down, butt should be located just above the head, for this, slightly raise one knee. Tap your back gently with your fingers. After that, place the baby on the changing table, stroke the chest first, and then the back from the bottom up.