Keeping as many children's photographs as possible is a dream of any parents, and today this dream can easily come true, since almost every family has a computer and a digital camera. However, in order to get really good baby photos, you need to know how to properly photograph your baby.

Step 1
Always take a photo of your child while standing close to him. By photographing a child from afar, you risk getting a frame in which there is neither a plot nor a composition. Aim the camera at the child so that the child is completely in the frame - for this you can sit down a little or lie on the floor.
Step 2
To get a high quality image, shoot your baby in natural sunlight. Avoid unnecessary flash, which distorts the natural colors of the frame, overexposes the face of the child and degrades the quality of the picture. When photographing at home, sit or place your child in an area that is well lit from a window.
Step 3
Don't dress your child too smartly for a photo. Keep it natural - baby's clothes may be the simplest, but they should be neat and clean. The key moment in the photo should not be the baby's beautiful suit, but his personality and personality.
Step 4
Focus on the child's face, emotions and feelings. The artistry of the shot does not depend on the clothes of the model, but on how well you have chosen the moment for shooting.
Step 5
Pay attention to the composition of the shot. If objects interfere with your composition, move them out of the lens's coverage area. Always observe what is in the background when photographing a child. If the photo is taken at home, clean the room.
Step 6
Don't force your child to pose - try to catch the right moment by observing their natural behavior. You may not show your child that you are filming him - let him go about his business, and take pictures from time to time.
Step 7
Do not be afraid to take ten, twenty or more shots - in the end, you will select one or two of them with the best quality and staging.