Sooner or later, the acuteness of feelings dulls, their brightness fades, and now the moment comes when nothing remains in the soul but indifference. Many couples can exist for a long time in this state, some disperse and start looking for fresh sensations. But a new relationship can end the same, if you do not understand what is the reason for the cooling.

The most common reason that feelings go away is stagnation, lack of development and progress. If one partner strives for something more, and the other "slows down" him, such a relationship will naturally come to its end. For example, a woman makes plans to improve the living conditions of her family, wants to get pregnant, but a man does not understand why this is necessary, because he is already fine. In this case, the partner will soon leave him alone and find a person who is not so inert. There are no less situations when a man wants to get an education and achieve certain heights, and the partner belittles him with insistent requests to be satisfied with what he has. Therefore, if you feel that the feelings within your couple are losing the heat of passion, analyze the development of your relationship. When you find that you yourself are afraid of the new and unknown, talk to your partner and be frank about your fears. In the course of a conversation, close people will always be able to solve even the most difficult issues, if both have such a desire. As a result, your feelings will also reach a higher stage of development. Do not rest on your laurels, love requires constant support and nourishment. Don't put everyday life above your relationship. If one of the spouses has a crazy idea deep after midnight, get into the car and go to the cinema for a night non-stop session, support your beloved. It doesn't matter that a mountain of dishes is waiting for you in the sink, your husband will surely help you clean! And, no matter how tired you are at work, talk to your wife over evening tea, tell us about the events of the day. It will become easier for you yourself, because you will throw off some of the load from your shoulders, sharing it with your beloved. And the spouse will give you affection and tenderness in response to your trust and frankness. The evening may end much more pleasantly than you expected. If you communicate sincerely every day, feelings will not leave your couple. The conclusion is this: love leaves those people who are not trying to keep it. If a man and a woman want to preserve their feelings and value them, they will make sure that passion only flares up, and tenderness overwhelms their hearts.