Children's Whims: Where Do They Come From And What To Do With Them?

Children's Whims: Where Do They Come From And What To Do With Them?
Children's Whims: Where Do They Come From And What To Do With Them?

Capricious children never arouse affection from their parents, and even more so from those around them. Why is a child capricious? How do you deal with this awkward situation?

Children's whims: where do they come from and what to do with them?
Children's whims: where do they come from and what to do with them?

Basics of whims

• The child sees how someone around him behaves and copies their behavior. A hysterical mother usually has a naughty child.

• If parents allow everything to the baby, he will also be capricious.

• Usually, by screaming and crying, children get what they want from their parents.

• Becoming the center of attention is a traditional motive for capricious antics.

• Through such behavior, the child can also refuse any actions imposed on him by his parents.

• Any malaise, bad mood - a reason for whims.

• Not all children can quickly adapt to unfamiliar surroundings and strangers, so if the child is capricious in such a situation, just take him away.

• There are times when the baby himself cannot understand what he wants. Perhaps he is hungry or tired and this is the reason for his whims.

• When parents are attentive to their children, they can easily notice the reasons for inappropriate behavior and delicately correct everything.

How not to be led by a capricious person?

  • Never, ever, give in to your child's attempts to get what they want with a tantrum. Children are quick-witted, therefore, having achieved their goal once, they will use this method constantly.
  • When the attack is close and you notice it, try to distract the child with a conversation on an extraneous topic or interest him in something else.
  • If the baby is a little capricious during the illness, it may be worth pampering him, but just a little.
  • Children who have their favorite hobby, doing something pleasant, will express less dissatisfaction and be capricious.
  • If the child suddenly began to hysteria and roll on the floor, going into tears, turn away from him, pretend not to hear the screams. The little manipulator will understand that such tricks will not work with you, and will become less and less capricious in your presence, and perhaps completely abandon this useless venture.

Be caring and calm with your children, then they will not look for ways to prove to themselves that you love them.
