If you do not want the children in the group entrusted to you not to be bored, so that conflicts do not arise between them, entrust them with the work on a common project. Working together smoothly, they will gain teamwork skills that will come in handy in adulthood.

Step 1
Choose which project the children will be working on. It will be best if they have to create something. It is desirable that the object, on the creation of which they have to work, was not only interesting, but also durable. It can be a large (several square meters) backlit layout of the area.
Step 2
Find out which of the children can do what. You will surely find a few guys with design skills, working with tools, and some even talented organizers, leaders. In accordance with the skills identified, distribute the roles in the group among the children. If it turns out that this or that child is doing poorly with the task assigned to him, invite him to try another role.
Step 3
Remember that joint work on a common project does not completely exclude the possibility of conflict. Participants can argue about how to best design the object of creativity, what technologies are better to use when creating it, etc. Teach them to find a compromise, to yield to each other. Or offer them, say, to complete part of the layout (if the work is going on) in one technique, and part in another.
Step 4
It is clear that the children in the group do not have the full skills and knowledge to work on a project. Patiently answer all their questions, give them hints yourself if necessary. Vigilantly monitor how children work, without being distracted by anything extraneous for a minute. Pay particular attention to safety issues. Do not under any circumstances raise your voice to children.
Step 5
When you get the finished result, do not forget to praise the children. Be sure to find a place for the object of creativity of children at the permanent exhibition of children's work available at the institution. To prevent small spectators from damaging it, install transparent fences around it.