Many mothers have such a problem as a lack of appetite in children. Sometimes it just unsettles, instills anxiety in the soul. How to motivate your beloved child to eat, without persuasion and prohibitions imposed as punishment, for example, on watching your favorite TV shows?

If the child feels good, there are no serious prerequisites for a lack of appetite, but he stubbornly refuses to eat, I advise you to try to cook an unusual, intricate dish, seasoned with good mood and a sense of humor. There are many options to interest the "capriculum", and for this you do not need exotic products, food can be ordinary and everyday, but your task is to present it to the child in an ingenious way.
First, warm up on sandwiches. It would seem that it is more boring, this is a quick meal, but we turn on the imagination - and now, the transformation is on the face! This is no longer just bread with a leaf of lettuce, sausage and cheese, but, for example, a meadow with its own history. Or cute animals, funny faces. You can improvise endlessly, and it will surely captivate your child.
Sausage and egg dishes will not leave you indifferent. You can depict a flower, a heart, all kinds of circles from sausages, and place scrambled eggs inside. It is better to take long sausages, they are more flexible, and use toothpicks to fasten the ends so that the structure does not fall apart. Depending on the idea, we make cuts in the right places, fry on both sides in a frying pan and at the last stage pour an egg into the created shape. A few minutes under the lid, and gently transfer to a plate with a spatula. Delight is guaranteed!
You can also create an incredible sausage look with pasta. Stick spaghetti straws into sausages and cook this friendly company together. The whimsical centipede will spark interest and appetite. Or, cook colored wavy pasta and put on top of them an "octopus" from a cut sausage, finishing the eyes with sauce.
If porridge does not make your child particularly happy, buy interesting molds. Putting porridge in them, you will give it a boring look. And after decorating with fruits or vegetables, turn a banal dish into, for example, a cute face of a cat, a bear cub, or maybe into a house or a car.
Don't stop there. Create, give a good mood to your family and, of course, to your loved one. Connect to cooking your child's fun meals. This will further whet his appetite, and children's strikes or hunger strikes will be a thing of the past!