How Best To Express Milk

How Best To Express Milk
How Best To Express Milk

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Many young mothers breastfeed successfully and for a long time without ever resorting to expressing. Ideally, a correctly established lactation should work like this: the amount of milk produced is in line with the needs of the child, and the woman does not experience any problems. However, the skill of expressing is necessary in many situations: excess milk, the desire to increase its amount, the need to stock up on milk "for future use".

How to express milk better
How to express milk better


  • - breast pump;
  • - sterilized bottles.


Step 1

Control lactation from the first minutes after the baby is born, if possible. As a rule, in the maternity hospital, the newborn is applied to the breast in the delivery room. This practice allows the baby to receive valuable colostrum, and the mother to tune in to proper breastfeeding. Be prepared for the immediate appearance of milk: this can happen as early as the first day after childbirth. It is important not to skip this point, as otherwise the subsequent pumping will be very painful.

Step 2

Master hand expression. First, gently massage the mammary gland a little. Remember that movement should not be uncomfortable for you. After that, grab your breasts with your fingers and make gentle squeezing movements towards the areola of the nipple. As a result of these actions, milk should flow easily. Try not to empty your chest completely: stop when the gland is soft enough.

Step 3

Use a quality breast pump. Sterilize it according to the instructions. Take a comfortable position, firmly press the silicone attachment of the device to the breast so that neither gaps nor excessive compression are formed. If you purchased a manual breast pump, pump the pump at a low intensity, gradually increasing the vacuum. In this case, milk should be expressed easily and without any painful sensations. For more convenience and frequent pumping, it is advisable to purchase an electric breast pump. Such a device will allow you to adjust the frequency and intensity of the vacuum, memorize the optimal mode for you, which ensures the greatest comfort of the process.
