Sooner or later, every mother begins to potty train her child after listening to the recommendations of others. In fact, this is not as complicated a process as it seems at first glance. It is important to organize this moment correctly, relying on the psychological and physiological development of the baby.

In the process of potty training, you should not be guided by the recommendations of grandmothers, neighbors, girlfriends and aunts. Many mothers make this mistake. Always on your way will come across someone who says that his child began to go to the potty almost from 6 months. This begins to lead you to the thought: "Why is my child worse?" You start potty training, even if he is against it.
At this stage, you should understand for yourself what is more important - your baby or the opinion of others? If a neighbor's child has sat down on a potty a year, and yours does not want to at 2 years old, he still does not say anything.
In this process, only three components are important:
- development of urinary organs;
- the state of the nervous system;
- pedagogical activity of relatives.
If a child does not have developmental pathologies, then sooner or later he will learn to cope with his need in the right place. You just need to know that the average age of potty training for a child is 2, 3-3 years. It is at this moment that the brain begins to consciously control the excretory functions.
For some, this connection is formed earlier, for others later. Therefore, take a closer look at your baby and listen to him. As soon as you "hear" it, make the right conclusion for yourself.
Very early potty training usually leads to tantrums and negative attitudes towards the process. In no case should you forcefully plant, shout at him. He's just not ready for this yet, forget about the pot for 1-2 months. Return to diapers. It is not necessary to injure the child's psyche and his own.
Let's say you managed to teach your child to potty a year. Then be prepared for this process to be unsustainable. Because the reflex that you have developed in the child is not at all what you really need.
The child should not be prompted by your "pee" or "ah", but the physiological process (filling of the bladder). And the corresponding persistent conditioned reflexes are formed by the age of three.
As soon as you notice the desire in the child, you can safely continue your endeavors. It is easier to do this in the summer - it is easier to take off your clothes and it dries faster and faster.
Show your baby the pot: how to open it, how to sit down. Explain what it is for. If the child has managed to relieve himself in the right place, praise. If not, don't show your upset.
Offer to sit on the potty after sleeping or eating. At such moments, the likelihood of a "process" is greatest. Potty train your baby gradually, do not give up diapers right away. Dress them up for a walk, on a visit, to the clinic.
Then try to arrange meetings with the pot not only when it is time, but as required by the daily routine. For example, before going for a walk, going to bed. And over time, you will notice how your baby will start going to the potty without hysterics and screaming.