Doctors and breastfeeding experts advise against giving up quickly. It is harmful for the psychoemotional state of the child and his intestines. Such an action is no less harmful for mom. If weaned abruptly, she may have breast problems. For example, lactostasis, mastitis and other diseases.

Step 1
Wean off the breast gradually over a period of 3-6 months. In this case, the mother's body will adjust to the needs of the child. Over time, the amount of milk produced becomes less and less, because the baby is already feeding on more than just milk. This way you can finish breastfeeding safely and without any health problems.
Step 2
If there is a lot of milk or breastfeeding needs to be completed as soon as possible, then you should turn to folk methods. There are herbs that can reduce lactation. For example, sage, basil, mint, walnut. Sage and mint are especially good. They need to be brewed according to the instructions and taken in a glass of infusion before meals. After a few days, you can see that the milk is much less.
Step 3
If the breast does not stiffen from the amount of milk, and you are able to endure the pouring, then you should wear a bra. He will lift the chest and support so that it does not sag in the future. In this form, it will be easier for you to survive the period of weaning the baby from the breast.
If the breast is heavily poured and stiff, then you can put a cabbage leaf in the bra, which was previously crushed with a rolling pin. Remove the cabbage when it is completely dry. Already after the first procedure, lightness is felt.
Step 4
Express milk in portions until relieved. Do not empty the breast completely, because this will be a fact of feeding, which means that soon the breast will again take up a full portion of milk. Do not forget that milk ripens as much as it was consumed.