For a long time, people believed in the magical power of talismans. The claw or tooth of a predator gave men strength and courage, helped in the hunt. Gems and silk ribbons served as a magnet for women, attracting love and prosperity. Despite the fact that the 21st century is in the yard, many people have their own magic talisman.

Human nature is such that he needs to believe in something. Some believe in God, asking him for help in difficult times. Some are convinced that all life is predetermined in advance, calling it fate. And some choose an object for themselves as a talisman and sincerely believe that it will bring good luck and happiness.
How the talisman works
Unlike the amulet, which protects the owner from the evil eye, damage and misfortune, the talisman attracts the benefits of life: love, luck, happiness, money. A talisman chosen depending on the sign of the zodiac can improve the positive characteristics of a person and reduce the influence of negative ones. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that no object can endow a person with those qualities that he does not have. For example, a copper coin under your left heel will not help you get an A on an exam if you haven't learned anything, but it is quite capable of attracting the ticket you know best.
The power of the talisman can be increased by special rituals. Take the object in your hands, close your eyes, mentally imagine and say what you want to receive. Say to yourself: "This lucky ticket brings me luck in all my endeavors", "This pendant brings me a happy acquaintance with the right person (list the qualities you need)." In addition to conspiracies and rituals, the magical effect of the talisman is explained by the fact that a person sincerely believes in his work. And, as you know, thoughts are material.
How to choose a mascot
When choosing a talisman, most people are guided by the positive emotions that are associated with the subject. For example, a pendant with photographs of relatives or a shard of a beloved vase donated by a dear person can become a talisman of happiness. A lucky ticket is used as a magnet for good luck, and a dollar or a foreign coin is put into the wallet to attract money. Clothes, in which a person successfully passed an interview or passed an exam, can also become a talisman.
When choosing a talisman, it is better to give preference to items made from natural materials (wood, leather, metal, stone). It is believed that natural matter has life and is initially positively charged. The object should be smooth in shape without sharp corners and edges, it is desirable that it does not have aggressive images (angry predators, weapons, etc.).
According to people professionally engaged in magic, each talisman should have its own purpose. Items to attract happiness, luck, love and money can serve their owner for more than a dozen years. But with talismans charged for some specific action (buying a car, wedding, etc.), after reaching the goal, you must say goodbye. Mentally thank the object and give it to some element: burn it, throw it into the river, blow it in the wind, or bury it in the ground.