How To Test A Man

How To Test A Man
How To Test A Man

Table of contents:


In the film "Tests for Real Men" it is well shown what a woman's desire for absolute confidence in the reliability and courage of a man can bring to. Life is the best test for men and women. She puts everything in its place. But we women are very insidious creatures and constantly test our men for loyalty and courage.

How to test a man
How to test a man


one reliable friend, a little imagination, a lot of sanity


Step 1

A test of loyalty. Ask a friend your man likes to flirt a little with him at a party. Look at his reaction. If he, without hesitation, began to reciprocate to the "rival", things are bad. Chances are your boyfriend doesn't know what the ABC of loyalty is. Draw your own conclusions. Just do not console yourself with the fact that all men are unfaithful. This is wrong.

Step 2

Test for the power of love and courage. Do you really want to know what kind of madness the guy is capable of for you? Call him in the middle of the night and ask him to come to you urgently. Say that you are being scared over the phone or the doorbell is being threatened. What you have enough imagination for. And look at the reaction. If he rushes in without hesitation, then you are really dear to him. And if he gives smart advice on the phone in a boring voice, then you are no more dear to him than his personal comfort. Or maybe he is cowardly.

Step 3

A test of generosity. If he pays for you in a cafe, buys flowers, gifts, makes presents to your mother, then your chosen one is definitely not greedy. Just don’t bring it to complete ruin. There is a limit to any generosity. And if not, that's dangerous too.
