How To Meet A Husband From The Army

How To Meet A Husband From The Army
How To Meet A Husband From The Army

Table of contents:


Meeting a loved one who is returning from the army involves chores, but they are joyful and not at all burdensome. Usually the holiday is organized by all relatives, gathering all its members at a hospitable table. But, of course, the young spouse seeks to quickly see and squeeze his beloved wife in his arms.

How to meet a husband from the army
How to meet a husband from the army


Step 1

You should definitely help your husband's parents clean the house and prepare a treat for the guests. Ask your husband what foods he wants to try. After all, army food does not differ in variety, and soldiers dream of home cooking and pickles. Make a menu only of those dishes that your husband craves to taste.

Step 2

At home he should be greeted with comfort and beauty - everything that he was deprived of in the barracks. Clean up the house, lay down a fancy tablecloth, and place the best service on the table. Pay special attention to your room or bedroom with your husband. After all, the soldier dreams not only of delicious food, but even more he is waiting for the caress of his beloved wife.

Step 3

If you think your relatives will not leave you alone, think about other options for meeting your husband from the army. Of course, it's good if you have a separate home. In this case, you can always quietly slip away from the table with your husband and retire to your apartment.

Step 4

There are excellent options for couples who have long dreamed of romantic days together. For example, you can rent a separate cabin at a country club or holiday home. Thus, the demobilized husband will rest in nature and will be able to fully enjoy his wife's embrace.

Step 5

No one will bother you there, and you can go to bed and get out of bed whenever you want. Usually, such establishments also offer relaxation in a bath or sauna, a gazebo with barbecue and boat trips on the reservoir. All this will undoubtedly please your husband, who has lived under a strict charter for a long time.

Step 6

Then you should definitely meet common friends and walk around the city. Show your spouse all the changes that have occurred during his absence. Visit concerts and exhibitions, new entertainment venues and exciting events. Give your husband a hot air balloon ride or a hot forge workshop.

Step 7

Help the recent soldier adapt to civilian life. Visit a fashion store for menswear with him and update his wardrobe so that the spouse feels confident and comfortable when communicating with others.
