True twins are people who came from one cell, they are a real miracle of nature, which you can admire for a very long time. They are similar right down to the fingerprints that only an experienced fingerprint reader can distinguish. They still sometimes play others around, impersonating each other. How do you approach twins?

Step 1
First, learn to distinguish between them. This can be done for moles and some small scars, sometimes pimples and scratches temporarily help in this matter. Many twins, with a general similarity in timbre, have different intonations, posture and gait. Observe and record your observations, preferably in writing, as soon as you notice the differences.
Step 2
Second, study the personality traits of each of the twins. Their temperament and psychological type are usually the same, but life experience and conclusions "in life" are different, and therefore the character is different. A karate girl and her cross-stitch sister will have different communication skills and sometimes form different communication styles. Many twins deliberately choose different hobbies in order to be more different from each other, because the similarities and the fact that they are mistaken for each other also tires. They want to be perceived as different personalities, so you need to come up with and give them different compliments when you communicate with two twins at once.
Step 3
Third, consider the peculiarities of the relationship of the twins themselves. As a rule, they are very independent from the outside world, they have enough of each other, it is almost impossible to make them seriously quarrel. How not to believe your reflection in the mirror, the best friend of early childhood and all life? To please one of the twins, you need to win the favor of both of them, there are almost no disagreements about this or that person at the stage of early acquaintance. If you have plans for one of the twins, the other must be at least neutral towards you, otherwise the best friend will dissuade his biological counterpart. Never try to force your twin friend to choose between you and his brother or sister. The decision will most likely not be in your favor. The twins have no secrets from each other, they are close and ready to share everything with each other. Many twins say they are like one person in two bodies. Don't forget this.