Spelling literacy is believed to be an innate trait. But in practice, one can be convinced that children who read a lot from childhood have a linguistic flair, which makes literacy an acquired quality, and it can be developed. The best time to improve child literacy is early childhood.

To begin with, the mother (or any other close relative) should read to the child. The child will listen to fairy tales and poems, perceiving and copying the sounds of native speech. Later, with the help of the alphabet, visual associations caused by bright pictures will appear. As soon as the child learns to read, his vocabulary will begin to expand and the automatic memorization of the correct spelling of words will occur.
Word games
So that the time in the queue, on the road or in the process of any other waiting is not wasted, but was as interesting and useful as possible, you can play with words. These can be rhymes, city games, asking to name words that start with certain syllables, or make sentences in which each word begins with a certain letter of the alphabet.
Many children's magazines have a variety of crosswords for children of different ages. You shouldn't neglect them, because crosswords train your brain perfectly and help you make speech literate.
Communication with parents
Children learn to speak with the help of their parents, so parental speech should always be as literate as possible. If the child makes mistakes, you need to correct him with a response sentence.
Word games on paper
New words and rules should be memorized not only by ear, but also visually. Word games are best suited for this, using letters written or printed on paper. For example, the gallows, "Field of Miracles", composing short words from one big one, snake - writing a long chain of words, each word from which will begin with the last letter of the previous one.
Posters and posters on the wall
While learning to read, the child should regularly pay attention to the letters so that they are better remembered. And along with the letters, new words will be remembered, which will lead to an increase in vocabulary. On the walls, you can hang various posters and posters, which have images and captions to them. Themes can be very different - from flowers and animals to modes of transport and geometric firms. These posters will be the perfect companion for correlating the visual image with the way the word is spelled.
Every child should have a spelling dictionary. In addition to professional, you need to compile your own dictionary, which will contain the most difficult words that most often cause difficulties. As soon as you accumulate a few words (5-10-15), you can make crosswords from them, write short dictations, play “find the mistake”.
Parents should remember that such exercises with a child should take place in the form of games in a favorable environment, and not turn into a painful and unloved activity that discourages the desire to learn.