It seems that your relationship is at an impasse. You have ceased to admire the feats of the chosen one. And even what previously attracted him the most, now you are very annoyed. His gifts and compliments seem silly and ridiculous. Such a relationship can hardly be called inspiring and desirable. So it's time to break up with the guy. But how do you explain to him that your relationship is over?

Step 1
Set yourself up for the fact that the decision to break up is irrevocable and final.
Step 2
Call the guy and tell him that you need to talk to him. But in any case, do not talk about your intention to break up by phone or via SMS, as you will cause him severe mental pain. In addition, he will still want to explain himself, he will pursue you, which will irritate you. In this case, the likelihood that the case will end in a scandal is very high.
Step 3
When you meet a guy, talk to him frankly. In a calm tone and in a respectful manner, explain to the young man that you have noticed that the "flame of love" in his heart has not been burning for a long time. Tell him that you think breaking up is the best way out of this situation.
Step 4
Of course, the young man will ask questions, in particular about the cause, besides the extinction of feelings. Be prepared for this, because depending on the nature of your boyfriend, he can provoke frank answers and even a quarrel. Since it is best to disperse peacefully, remain calm.
Step 5
Get out of your boyfriend's life abruptly! Temporarily change your lifestyle: change your phone number, do not go to nightclubs in which you used to spend time together. In short, temporarily change your lifestyle. This will allow both the guy with whom you broke up and you personally to forget as quickly as possible.