Why Is The Child Shy

Why Is The Child Shy
Why Is The Child Shy

Shyness or shyness is associated with the fact that the child is not confident in himself, he is afraid to seem ridiculous, funny, fearfully receives a negative assessment not only of peers, but also teachers and strangers. You need to understand in what situations the child is very tense, starts to get nervous. This information can be obtained by carefully observing the behavior of the baby, in addition, you can talk to him about it in a calm atmosphere.

Why is the child shy?
Why is the child shy?

There are times when parents try to protect the child from any contact. Such complete isolation from society leads to the fact that the child does not know how to get along with people, to be friends with his peers. Quite often, a child's shyness is explained by his habits, character and the way of life of his parents.

There are mothers who are closed in themselves, gloomy, uncommunicative, they are suspicious and heightened anxiety, they are afraid of everything - the streets, infections, fights, bad influence, and thus they set an example for their children. As a result, the child grows up amorphous and helpless. Remember, an anxious, nervous emotional atmosphere is very harmful for a child, because such situations can lead not only to the child's shyness and timidity, but also to neuroses. Also, a timid and shy child grows up in families where they are very strict and demanding towards him.

How to teach a child not to be shy?


Quite often, mothers ask themselves the question: what to do if the child is shy? Can you teach him not to be ashamed of others? First of all, the child must be taught to communicate, he must be able to play with other children, and also get along with other people's adults. To develop communication skills, it is necessary to frequently visit playgrounds, sandboxes, parks … After all, it is in such places that a child can smoothly transform from a passive observer into a rather active participant in games.

Do not hesitate to play with your child in the sandbox, try to organize a game there with the participation of several children, try to invite your child's friends to visit. Never shame such a child, do not leave one in conflict situations, because children are sometimes very cruel, they not only quickly notice the weaknesses of other children, but also love to ridicule them. Never criticize a child for being shy; on the contrary, try to encourage and praise him as often as possible. Quite often, parents make the mistake of discussing their child's shyness in front of other adults. He should hear only good things about himself.

If a child is constantly afraid that something will not work out for him, does not believe in himself, and often worries about this, is dissatisfied with his appearance or his achievements, then these are signals that the child needs help. You need to help him look for his positive sides, try in such situations to publicly evaluate the results of the child's activities, his successes and just personal qualities - accuracy, for example.

At the same time, you can overcome your child's shyness with a variety of workouts, organizing situations where your child can try his hand. Here you need to follow the principle "from the simplest to the most difficult", first you need to give easy tasks with which your child will certainly cope. For example, you might ask your toddler to buy something at the store, or help set the table at home if you are expecting guests. By doing this, you will emphasize that the child can handle the assignments on his own. Thus, the child will accumulate a positive experience of behavior in different situations. The main medicine for shy children is warmth, attention and affection from their parents. Treat your child with respect like an adult, and at the same time, do not forget that he is still a child.
