Many young mothers and especially fathers are afraid to take their baby in their arms. It seems so fragile, if it is awkward to turn it - and irreparable can happen. But you still have to take the baby in your arms, and it is better that reliable parental hands, which mean a lot to the baby, do not tremble at the same time.

Step 1
First of all, stop being afraid. The baby is actually not that fragile, and even the fact that he is not yet holding his head should not confuse you. You love him and will not harm him in any way.
Step 2
Learning to take the baby is better from a supine position. Therefore, turn it over to the desired position right in the crib or stroller. Do not forget to smile at your baby and talk to him affectionately. Movements should not be abrupt, otherwise your lack of confidence will be passed on to the child and he will start to act up.
Step 3
Lean over your baby. Place one hand under the baby's neck and the other under the baby's back in the lumbar region. Do not hurry. Calmly and smoothly lift the child and hug him. You will find that there is nothing wrong with holding it upright. The main thing is to hold it tightly, but not convulsively.
Step 4
Be sure to support your neck and head when holding your baby in an upright position. Thus, the baby is worn until his neck gets stronger and he learns to hold his head on his own.
Step 5
Learn to put your baby in a crib or stroller. In this case, everything must be done in the reverse order. Lean over the crib with the baby in your arms and gently lay the baby down without removing your hands immediately. Gently pull out one hand, then the other. Do not make sudden movements.
Step 6
When you learn how to gently pick up your baby on the back, try picking him up while he is lying on his tummy. To do this, place one hand under your chest, holding your chin with your thumb and forefinger. Place your other hand under your chest. Lift the baby gently to an upright position.