Why Women Don't Leave Unfaithful Husbands

Why Women Don't Leave Unfaithful Husbands
Why Women Don't Leave Unfaithful Husbands

Some women live with husbands who do not value them at all. A man can disregard the opinion of his wife, cheat on her, and even raise a hand to her. Women tolerate all this and even justify their husbands. What makes them do this?

Why women don't leave unfaithful husbands
Why women don't leave unfaithful husbands

Often, having lived with her husband for many years, women are afraid to be alone in their old age. The children have already grown up, they have their own lives, and they do not depend as much on their parents as they used to. And now smart, successful women, instead of breaking off relations that have come to a standstill, put up with all the tricks of their husbands.

Some wives believe that any sacrifice can be made for the sake of the family and do their best to protect their family hearth. As a result, creating the appearance of family relations, they tolerate mistresses, who, in turn, hope that the man will sooner or later leave the family. And he is in no hurry to make such a decision. Why, if everything suits him anyway? This situation can last for years, and sometimes women realize too late that the family was not worth such sacrifices. But if the deceived wife decided to break this vicious circle, she could meet a worthy man and be happy with him.

Dependence on public opinion also plays a large role in making such decisions. Sometimes women do not dare to file for divorce, fearing condemnation from relatives, friends, work colleagues. Moreover, there is a stereotype according to which a divorced woman is equated with a loser, which means that it is better to endure her husband's antics for the sake of the status of a married lady. But this is your life, and only you can decide what to do in this or that case. The opinion of other people in such matters should not be higher than your comfort and your desires.
